Hamilton Street Railway Strike

Street Car en route to Car Sheds after encounter with Mob during Strike

“Never in Hamilton’s history has control of the city been so completely lost to the police or the central district been the scene of such wild excitement and rioting as followed the Street Railway Company’s first attempt to operate its cars after dark. From a crowd that numbered a few hundred at 7 o’clock, there were a howling mob that numbered fully 15,000.”

...Hamilton Times, on the events of November 23, 1906

Military units from Toronto and cavalry from London were brought in. The Riot Act was read, and the military moved in. “Behind the police came the dragoons, belabouring citizens about head and shoulders with the flats of their swords”. More than 200 people were injured, of which 50 were seriously injured during the 4 hour battle. The head of the military operation viewed the episode as “an exhilarating adventure”.

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